Are you a founder of startup? Does raising funds & attracting talent depend on your credibility?
Achieving success as a the startup world can be difficult - alone.
No one teaches 'running a startup' in school. But successful founders have a secret - their network.
Start by creating a profile on Also.
By sharing what you do and sharing your expertise - you go from being unknown to known. Once your profile is ready, you can start browsing opportunities, and finding collaborators.
Also Network is your secret to finding connections in the startup world.
Also Network members are other startup founders, VCs, fractional consultants, designers - and could be potential cofounders, employees or investors.
You reputation is the driver of your startups success.
Make your company a success by creating your personal brand.
Start by creating your profile - by sharing what you do and sharing your expertise.Your profile is the magnet to attract new business.
Do I need a personal brand site?
If you identify with any of the below, you need a personal homepage.
For Individuals
Start by creating an personal brand page to showcase your expertise and get listed on the directory.
For Networkers
Once you've set up your page, you can apply to be part of the Also Network, to get discovered & grow your business.
For Community Builders
Got a IRL, Slack or Whatsapp community? Reach out to us at [email protected] to help members find each other and collaborate.
Also Network is a Selfish Venture.